Artificial neural network based particle swarm optimization in predictions mortality rate of broiler chicken
Artificial neural network based particle swarm optimization in predictions mortality rate of broiler chicken
1. why they should make this journal?
Success in broiler farms can be assessed from the mortality rate of chickens and also
a solution to reduce the mortality rate of chickens. But in the process there are obstacles that is
the death of hickens that tend to fluctuate so that of course resulted in financial losses for farmers.
To prevent it required a method that can predict and control the mortality rate of broiler chickens.
In this research, data mining method used is Artificial Neural Network (ANN) based on Particle
Swarm Optimization (PSO), to produce accurate prediction with excellent iteration and also
small error rate. The results of analysis in predicting mortality rate of broiler chickens by
artificial neural network method in combination with Particle swarm optimization get better
RMSE result (0.135) than Artificial Neural Network have not been optimized (0.381) with
january mortality data and result of application quisioner made value 83,125 which can be
categorized well and enough help the farmer in controlling prediction of chicken mortality rate
2. Methodology
In this research used two methods that support each other is Particle Swarm Optimization Neural
3.1. Step one with Artifical Neural Network [9]
For each input unit (xi, i=1,2,3,…n) receive signal xi and pass the signal on the layer above it (hidden
layer). Every hidden layer (zj, j=1,2,3,…,p) adds weighted input signals:
_ = 0 + ∑ (1)
Use the activation function to calculate the output signal:zj = f (z_inj)and send the signal to all units in
the top layer (output units). For each output units (yk, k=1,2,3,…,m) calculate weighted input signals”
_ = 0 + ∑ (2)
Use the activation function to calculate the output signal.yk= f (y_ink)and send the signal to all units in
the top layer (output units). For each output unit (yk, k=1,2,3,…,m) receiving target patterns connected
with the learning input pattern. Then calculate the error information.
σk = (tk – yk) f’(y_ink) (3)
then calculate the weight correction (which will be used to fix wjkvalue) :
Δwjk = α σk zij. (4)
also calculate the bias correction (which will be used to fix w0kvalue) :
Δwjk = α σk. (5)
send σk to the units in the bottom layer. Each hidden units (zj, j=1,2,3,…,p) calculate the delta units
(from units in the top layer):
_ = ∑ (6)
multiply this value withderivativefromits activation function to calculate information of error:
σj = σ_inj f’(z_inj) (7)
also calculate the bias correction (which will be used to fix v0jvalue):
Δvjk = α σj xi (8)
also calculate the bias correction (which will be used to fix v0jvalue):
Δv0j = α σj. (9)
Each output unit (yk, k=1,2,3,…,m) improve bias and weight (j=0,1,2,3,…,p). wjk (new) = wjk(old) +
Δwjk for each hidden layer (zj, j=1,2,3,…,p) improve bias and weight (i=0,1,2,3,…,n)
Test condition stopped [10].
3.2. Step two with particle swarm optimization
Where: X = particle position, V= particle velocity, w= weight of inertia, c1, c2 = acceleration coefficient,
P= number of particles in swarm. The values of r1 and r2 are arranged so that the random value is
intended to provide stochastic properties in the cognitive component and social components This
stochastic nature causes each particle to move in a semi random way, strongly influenced in the direction
of the best solution of the particles and the best globalsolution of swarm [11].
3.3. Step three software testing with SQA
There are three points of understanding of software quality, including as follows: (1) software
requirements are the foundation from whichquality is measured; (2) specific standards that define
development criteria thatguide the manufacture of a software; (3) there are implicit needs often
overlooked (eg, desire for the best maintenance); and (4) scores of responder = <audibility score> * 0.10
+ <scoreaccuracy> * 0.10 + completeness score> * 0.15 + <errortolerance score> * 0.10 + <score
execution efficiency> *0.10 + <operability score> * 0.15 + < Simplicity score> *0.15 + <learning score>
* 0.15 Evaluation based on criteria /average score of respondents [12].
3. resolution from this journal
For accuracy and error resulting from the Neural Network method in predicting the mortality rate of
chicken boiler, it was 5,854 (december). While the average RMSE results obtained from the method of
artificial neural networks which is 6,222 each month. Existing data cannot affect the RMSE results
obtained as evidenced by the results of the RMSE obtained in September is the highest result that is
equal to 14.115 while the lowest results can be seen in June that is equal to 0.730. While the RMSE
results obtained from the method of artificial neural networks with backpropagation models are
enhanced by particle swarm optimization which is 2,032 (december). For the average RMSE obtained
is equal to 1.889 better by 4.3% of the neural network method with the backpropagation model before
being optimized. With the highest RMSE of 7.119 and the lowest RMSE of 0.223. And by using an
application that can run the Neural Network method based on Particle Swarm Optimization and with the
results of predictions with a good level of error and accuracy and the results of the application test from
the management to the audience with the SQA results obtained that is equal to 83.125 this shows that
the management is helped with this application and also take the steps needed to prevent mortality of
broiler chickens from the prediction of ANN and PSO methods.
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